One of the most common challenges us Mother’s face is the lack of feeling accomplished, successful, and Moms tend to fall into the comparison trap, right?

Rooting for Your Success

In the Mother’s Edition of “Get All A’s in the Game of Life”, we offer words brought forth from a diverse group of Mothers for the purpose of nurturing and motivating you ever forward. It is our hope that this book of quotes and other useful tidbits becomes a source of fuel and comfort: a wellspring from which any Mother can draw upon over and over—that is, inspiration, invigoration, advice, nods of recognition, and, at times, laughter. The original quotes and anecdotes that pepper these pages—some poignant, others informative, many compassionate—can serve to validate, strengthen, and elevate you.

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The buzz is amplifying as Moms hear about the must-read + gift “Get All A’s in the Game of Life: Insights Along the Way”, Mother’s Edition #GetAllAs

This NEW inspirational quote book was written to help moms feel like a normal and badass mom #GetAllAs

This NEW inspirational quote book was written to help you feel like an accomplished Mother, DAILY. #GetAllAs

This energizing book will be your source of fuel & inspiration #GetAllAs #giftformoms

I’m supporting MOMS! Grab your copy of “Get All A’s in the Game of Life: Insights Along the Way”, Mother’s Edition! #GetAllAs

Need a #Babyshower Gift? Grab this book for #Momtobe! #GetAllAs

Inspiration, Advice, Tips, Inspirations, Life’s Lessons, Nods of Recognition…GRAB this new book for #MOMS #GetAllAs

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BestSelling Author

Susan Vernicek

My name is Susan Vernicek and I ignite and empower Mompreneurs like you who struggle to discover their balance between MomLife + BizLife. 

I help them create a winning Mompreneur Mindset so that they can thrive at home and kill it in business —without feeling guilty and letting go of the comparison game.

Susan first started igniting the lives of women 13 years ago through her wellness magazine, Identity Magazine that empowers women to transform through Self-Acceptance, Appreciation, and Personal Achievement. 

As a Mindset Igniter, Coach, Speaker, Author, and Creator of Identity Magazine Susan continues to spread her inspirational energy and expertise worldwide via workshops, conferences, several Podcasts, TV, and through digital and print channels, including her fist 2011 first Identity Magbook and her #1 Amazon Bestseller, “Get All A’s in the Game of Life: Insights Along the Way”, Entrepreneur Edition. You can find her articles and tips cited online in The Huffington Post, EmpowHER, BlogHer, and Yahoo Shine; as well as in books and magazines published by Harper Collins, Bright Street Books, Reinvention Press.

Susan aspires to fully embody the notions of the modern-day woman that she advocates for all women. She successfully juggles and enjoys the Mompreneur life, adventure, dancing, golf, and traveling with the loving support of her husband and twin toddlers in The Poconos, PA.

Foreword ::


Whoever said motherhood was the hardest job on the planet, hit the mark.

Somehow, millions upon millions of women openly offer their entire lives for unlimited years, without a thought of personal rewards, the impact of being sleep deprived for decades, or the endless personal sacrifices made for the betterment of others.

It’s both the absolute best decision we have ever made and the one that can bring us to our knees, head to hands. Only Mothers can truly understand the joys and heartaches of motherhood. The special ones are preparing for the role of motherhood years before giving birth or completing the adoption papers.

Susan is one of the special ones. I had the privilege of knowing Susan long before she married and brought her two amazing twins into the world. She has been on a mission for decades nurturing and caring for all the people in her life—even the ones she never actually met. Susan has always been a nurturer, from hosting fundraisers for her 30th birthday to enthusiastically helping me launch my women’s empowerment organization B.I.G. more than a dozen years ago.

Susan has an almost magical way of supporting the Mothers of the world. She intuitively knows when Mothers need a lift—especially after offering their last bit of energy after an exhaustingly long day. 

She knows first-hand the defeating feeling Mothers can experience when their best efforts can be undervalued by those they love.

Susan’s latest gift to mothers is this very special compilation of mothers’ insights and life observations. This joy-filled book is compiled of page after page of comforting, funny, compassionate and heartfelt messages from one mother to another.

I urge you to embrace these daily doses of recognition that Mothers everywhere so greatly deserve.

Quote book for Moms-gift for moms
Mindset + Achieve Coaching Program for Mompreneurs