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My name is Susan Vernicek and I ignite and empower Mompreneurs like you who struggle to discover their balance between MomLife + BizLife.
I help them create a winning Mompreneur Mindset so that they can thrive at home and kill it in business —without feeling guilty and letting go of the comparison game.
Susan first started igniting the lives of women 13 years ago through her wellness magazine, Identity Magazine that empowers women to transform through Self-Acceptance, Appreciation, and Personal Achievement.
As a Mindset Igniter, Coach, and Creator of Identity Magazine Susan continues to spread her inspirational energy and expertise worldwide via workshops, conferences, several Podcasts, TV, and through digital and print channels, including her fist 2011 first Identity Magbook and her #1 Amazon Bestseller, “Get All A’s in the Game of Life: Insights Along the Way”, Entrepreneur Edition. You can find her articles and tips cited online in The Huffington Post, EmpowHER, BlogHer, and Yahoo Shine; as well as in books and magazines published by Harper Collins, Bright Street Books, Reinvention Press.