By Susan Vernicek

The Identity Magbook

We’re going WAY back with “The Identity Magbook”.  It was designed to help you to transform through self-Acceptance, Appreciation, and Personal Achievement—we call it the “Get All A’s in the Game of Life” . This Magbook is a compilation of past articles from the online magazine. 

Our articles and insights are hand-selected to reflect the important philosophies of self-love and self-help. They are meant to guide and support women to see themselves in their best possible light, to celebrate their lives, their bodies, their successes, and failures.

The Magbook, like the online version, is a unique compilation of articles and advice from contributors and experts in a wide variety of fields, as well as stories from readers themselves. It is a true celebration of women from all walks of life.

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Best Selling Author

Susan Vernicek

Personal + Professional Mindset Igniter, Coach, Author and Speaker, Susan Vernicek, has been emboldening women since 2006. Her mission: to provide women with opportunities to discover their vast powers of self-acceptance, appreciation and achievement.

As Founder of Identity Magazine (,) Susan continues to spread her inspirational messages worldwide via workshops, conferences, radio, TV and through digital and print channels, including her 2011 Identity Magbook and 2016 “Get All A’s in the Game of Life: Insights Along the Way”, Entrepreneur Edition.  You can find her articles and tips cited online in The Huffington PostEmpowHER, BlogHer and Yahoo Shine; as well as in books and magazines published by Harper Collins, Bright Street Books, Reinvention Press, and Open Door Publications.

Susan aspires to fully embody the notions of the modern-day woman that she advocates for all women. She successfully juggles and enjoys entrepreneurial life with the loving support of her husband and twin toddlers in The Poconos, PA.

Foreword ::
By Mike Michaelowicz Author of The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, Pumpkin Plan, Profit First + more!

Finally! Finally, there is a Magbook that lets you embrace who you are. A Magbook that lets you be adored by others, because you are allowed to adore yourself. Finally, a Magbook that doesn’t show you how to change yourself to become perfect, but instead shows the perfection that is already you. At first glance it may seem somewhat strange that a guy is writing the foreword for a Magbook about women, written by women. But there is a reason. I have something you don’t. I have watched this new trend from afar. And there is something big happening. Women are taking the lead.

Women are taking the lead in all facets of life. And, as Martha says, “That’s a good thing.”

Women are leading the new economic recovery. Women are making more and doing more. Women are also leading in politics (I’m sure a woman president is just around the corner), are leading in entrepreneurship, and leading in the home front. This change has been needed for a long time, and I am thrilled to see it happening.

But just like everything else, there is a trade off. With all the progress and positive change women are bringing about, they are compromising themselves. They are allowing themselves to be sacrificed—maybe it’s less sleep, or less alone time, or a barely noticeable, consistent dripping away of their identity.
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