31: A Resilient Mompreneur + Her Comeback with Vanessa Flores

What does resilience mean to you?

In this episode, you’ll hear the story of one resilient mama and her comeback.

Vanessa Flores is joining me to talk about her experience launching a business while relocating twice, surviving the pandemic, and being served papers. She knows what it’s like to have to drop everything and rebuild your business and self-esteem from the ground up, so there is a lot that we can all learn from her.

As a fitness coach, Vanessa has a few words of wisdom to share about getting started on your fitness journey, and how some of the principles from the fitness world translate to other areas of life too.

If you need to work out at home and love a sweat fest but don’t think you can get a great workout and results at home, you need to check out Vanessa Flores. She is a beast mode personal trainer and health coach. Before starting The Strong Fit Life, Vanessa worked for 9 years as a fitness trainer in multiple gyms. Today, Vanessa helps people across the US become stronger physically and mentally with her signature Strong Fit Formula and her online program, Unleash the Beast, so that you can conquer your workout and your day! When she is not leading a sweat-fest, Vanessa enjoys a glass of Malbec and trying new restaurants with her hubby and two young kiddos.


In Today’s Episode We Discuss:


  • What it takes to be strong in body and mind
  • Taking things one day at a time
  • The differences between having a hobby and a business
  • Recovering after getting burnt out
  • The importance of learning to say no
  • How to be more present in every area of your life
  • Showing up for yourself
  • How to start your fitness journey

Vanessa’s workouts are so fun, so you seriously have to check her out. I love her message, I love what she stands for, and I’m so inspired by her story. I hope that you are too!

For more from Vanessa and a free Beastmode class online, check out the links below to her website, social media and more!

If you’re ready to change your life, the work starts within. Find out how close you are to discovering your balance A-game by taking the Mompreneur Mindset Assessment at  susanvernicek.com/assessment!


Resources Mentioned:




Follow @thestrongfitlife on Instagram  

Connect with @thestrongfitlife on Facebook

Connect with Vanessa Flores on LinkedIn

Download the Get All A’s Venn Diagram


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Signature Offer

My name is Susan Vernicek, and I’m a mindset coach, speaker, and author. My signature offer is the Mindset + Achieve™ Course and Coaching Program. It’s a high-touch, all-inclusive coaching and membership program that brings simplicity and consistency to your MomLife + BizLife. My proven framework helps Mompreneurs discover their own customized formula for self-care, family time, and a profitable business so they can become confident women, conscious mothers, and badass business owners.

If this support sounds like the kind of support that you need in your MomLife + BizLife, I encourage you to schedule a consult call with me! You can do that here: http://susanvernicek.com/chat

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