36: Get Sales Savvy with Liz Rossilli

Do you dream of running a business but hate making sales? Maybe you’ve already started your business but you’re struggling to spread the word because you don’t want to sound “salesy”?

You’re going to need to hear from Liz Rossilli if so!

She’s sharing her journey with us from starting a business as a mom who wanted more to running a successful sales consulting practice.

She knows how to manage the curveballs that come with being a mom and how to get sales savvy at the same time, so she’s sharing her wisdom with us in this episode.

Liz Rossilli believes in celebrating your wins! A sales expert with 28+ years of experience, Liz is the president of Sales Savvy, a sales consulting practice based in Cary, NC. Through this business, she helps women B2B service providers nationwide bring in consistent clients without compromising sanity or integrity. From the early days of her family’s business to working for startups, corporations, Avon, and her own enterprises, Liz has successfully sold everything from $1M of pens to $40 jewelry out of the trunk of her car!

Over the past three decades, she’s discovered how to sell from every angle, and more importantly, how to build the lasting, authentic relationships that bring in regular, reliable sales and create lifelong connections. Having turned thousands of “cold calls” into genuine relationships and repeat sales herself, Liz loves partnering with women in business today not only to guide them on selling with confidence but to celebrate all of their wins every step of the way!


In Today’s Episode We Discuss:

  • Needing more than just being a mom
  • Handling change
  • Discovering your identity
  • The importance of prioritizing
  • Being productive in the time you have
  • Why you should start selling before your product is ready
  • Spreading the word about your offer
  • Dedicating time to sales and marketing
  • Setting yourself up for success at the beginning of a new year
  • Setting a goal that pushes you but is also realistic
  • The value of networking

 I hope this episode inspires you to set aside some time for your sales and marketing. Just one hour a day can make a world of difference.

If you want to step up your sales game, be sure to check out Liz’s links below! I know they will be incredibly helpful!

If you’re wondering how you can work with me, schedule a call at www.susanvernicek.com/chat and we’ll talk about your best next steps! I can’t wait to hear from you.


Resources Mentioned:



Follow Sales Savvy on LinkedIn 

Connect with Liz on LinkedIn 

Join the Let’s Get Savvy with Sales Facebook Group 


Download the Get All A’s Venn Diagram


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Signature Offer

My name is Susan Vernicek, and I’m a mindset coach, speaker, and author. My signature offer is the Mindset + Achieve™ Course and Coaching Program. It’s a high-touch, all-inclusive coaching and membership program that brings simplicity and consistency to your MomLife + BizLife. My proven framework helps Mompreneurs discover their own customized formula for self-care, family time, and a profitable business so they can become confident women, conscious mothers, and badass business owners.

If this support sounds like the kind of support that you need in your MomLife + BizLife, I encourage you to schedule a consult call with me! You can do that here: http://susanvernicek.com/chat

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