38: Showing Up, Service + Success Story with Kristyn Koegel

38: Showing Up, Service + Success Story with Kristyn Koegel

38: Showing Up, Service + Success Story with Kristyn Koegel How do you show up for yourself? In this episode, we’re joined by one of my amazing clients, Kristyn Koegel.  Kristyn has done extraordinary work on herself and succeeded on so many levels, so I wanted to...
37: How to Act and Be Human While Being Successful

37: How to Act and Be Human While Being Successful

37: How to Act and Be Human While Being Successful Why is it that we beat ourselves up for not feeling happy, grateful, or content 24/7? Guess what? You’re human, and even when you’re experiencing success, you’re allowed to feel sad, exhausted, or frustrated… or...
36: Get Sales Savvy with Liz Rossilli

36: Get Sales Savvy with Liz Rossilli

36: Get Sales Savvy with Liz Rossilli Do you dream of running a business but hate making sales? Maybe you’ve already started your business but you’re struggling to spread the word because you don’t want to sound “salesy”? You’re going to need to hear from Liz Rossilli...
35: One Day This Won’t Be Hard with Mridu Parikh

35: One Day This Won’t Be Hard with Mridu Parikh

35: One Day This Won't Be Hard with Mridu Parikh How many times a day do you wish you could make your life easier? Our special guest, Mridu Parikh, wants to help you do just that. Mridu, also known as The Stress Squasher, is joining us in this episode to share some of...
32: Disappointments + Anticipation

32: Disappointments + Anticipation

32: Disappointments + Anticipation If you could use a little motivation and inspiration, I have something for you. In this episode, we’re taking inspiration from other women entrepreneurs straight from my number one best-selling book, Get All A’s in the Game of...
31: A Resilient Mompreneur + Her Comeback with Vanessa Flores

31: A Resilient Mompreneur + Her Comeback with Vanessa Flores

31: A Resilient Mompreneur + Her Comeback with Vanessa Flores What does resilience mean to you? In this episode, you’ll hear the story of one resilient mama and her comeback. Vanessa Flores is joining me to talk about her experience launching a business while...
30: Can You Answer This Question?

30: Can You Answer This Question?

30: Can You Answer This Question? I used to ask a question on my voicemail that nine out of ten people would answer the same way. Can you guess what it was? In this episode, I’m going to give you the details on that and also ask you a question that will take you on a...